Mr. Sacco's Art room


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visual journals

lindsayAll ninth grade Studio Art students are required to
keep a visual journal. The visual journal is a diary of
sorts which includes drawings, collages, sketches, and explorations with various media and techniques.

The objective of the visual journal is to help a student
develop the habit of observing and recording visually.
Students are given many "free" entries and are
encouraged to be as experimental as possible.

Clockwise from top left:
Benny H., Renee D., Owen M. & Lindsay B.

Click on an individual student name
to view their journal:

Sheena C.
Renee D.
Megan W.
Natasha F.R.
Yang L.
Hefei L.

Brooke B.
Tess Y.
Emily H.
Julia C.
Olivia N.