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Vintage Collage

A major aspect of many works of art is narrative or story telling. Ninth grade
Studio Art students analyzed several different narrative artworks by Leutze,
Munch, de Chirico, Chagall and others to see how these artists depicted narratives
in their work. Students were shown that while many artworks depict familiar
stories, many modern works depict a scene that suggests a story to the viewer.
This method often achieves open-ended stories that depend on individual

Students were given the creative assignment of assembling a narrative
collage using vintage album covers and vintage Life Magazines. Creating a piece
with a distressed "old" look and solid design were the primary objectives.

The end of this unit saw students create their own artist's statement
explaining their work.

Medium: Print mass media (magazine and album covers), watercolor, and acrylic.

*Thanks to Breanne Soviero and Louise Millman for allowing me to adapt their lesson.


 Renee D.                                                        Eva V.   

Hefei L.                                                            Megan W.