Mr. Sacco's Art room


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Name: Gwenyth Beale
Sent: 05/09 03:02 AM

I think the altered books are awesome. keep posting up more pages!! I'd love to see what else you do. Gwenyth

Name: Ruthy
West New York, NJ
Sent: 04/09 06:13 PM

Greetings to you wonderfully talented, creative altered book artists! Your teacher shared your work with our Yahoo Altered Book group and I wanted to let you know how delighted I was to see the rich work you're doing! These are amazing first efforts and I hope your fire is lit to continue to explore the depths of this art form. How lucky you are to have a teacher who involves you in this kind of exploration. I wish that I'd been so lucky when I was your age...when I had to 'color' in between the lines! Keep up the great work!

Name: roxanne campbel
City: hernando beach
Sent: 12/
08 02:30 PM

Great stuff!! I'm a high school fine arts teacher 9-12 who just moved down to 7-8 grade middle school graphic arts. Your student art work is wonderful, and has really inspired me to create some exciting lessons for my kids!! Thanks so much....keep creating!! R.Campbell

Name: Dena Outram
Gravesend, Kent, England
Sent: 27/07 02:47 AM

Wow! Well done to you all, an inspirational site for me - just about to embark on my art teaching career Thank you!!!

Name: Denise Minelli
City: Setauket
Sent: 25/
06 07:56 PM

I had to share with my husband the beautiful projects you do with the students in your classes , he and I were so impressed! Congratulations on another outstanding year. Denise Minelli

Name: KarYn Lee
City: Lewisville, TX
Sent: 24/
06 10:37 PM

I found your site through the AP listserv and I'm so glad that I did! I have had so much fun looking at everything here. You have given me lots of new ideas. Thanks so much for sharing. Your art students have done admirable work. :) KarYn Lee Killough
Lewisville H.S. North Lewisville, TX 75067

Name: jhough
City: Florida
Sent: 13/
04 11:13 AM

The artwork done by your students is FANTASTIC. I see a lot of Mrs. Kramer's ideas which you have expanded on and made your own. I like the Op Art the best and will have my students try this project. Thanks for sharing your work on the web. You have inspired students in
Florida. - Mrs. Hough

Name: Nadyne McCLurg
City: San Juan Capistrano, California
Sent: 12/04 10:47 AM

I enjoyed veiwing your student photography and was referred through the teacher's chat room through the Getty. I am looking for inspiration and would like to know- did your students used digital for the black and white photos?

Linda HAAS Mitrik
City: OHIO
Sent: 16/
03 09:55 PM

I really enjoyed what I viewed. The radial designs were very beautifully rendered . The sculptures that I viewed also showed a lot of appreciation by the students in what they were creating. You are doing an excellent job in creating an awareness of art in your students. Linda HAAS Mitrik an OHIO Art Educator

Name: judy heo
City: new york
Sent: 04/
03 04:15 PM

Hello Mr. Sacco...I love this website....i wish i still went to Gelinas...


Name: Stacee Dingler
City: Norman
Sent: 23/02
11:18 AM

I am soooo in love with your lessons! You have inspired me! I hope to try some of them with my 6th, 7th and 8th graders and hope that they will create wonderful masterpieces as your students have, theirs are BEAUTIFUL! THANKS for such an inspirational site!!!!! I love it!!!! Stacee Dingler/ART Whittier Middle School Norman, OK

City: bartlesville, ok
Sent: 05/
01 09:51 PM

hi guys! i'm a senior in high school.. i'm really impressed by the art work! great job guys... i'm having trouble with some perspective drawings, that's why i'm on this page. great job! i love it, see y'all

Name: Ashley Duren
City: San Diego
Sent: 31/
12 04:35 PM

I came across your website by mistake, when I was doing a search for notan artwork. I am a new teacher, and was looking for ideas for my students, and I loved many of the ideas displayed. I was wondering how the woodburn project was taught to the students- I could really see my kids gettin into something like that!

Name: subha de
Sent: 13/12 06:57 AM


Name: Jaime Vander Heiden
City: Appleton, Wisconsin
Sent: 08/
12 07:06 PM

Wow! What a great site. I love the student work and the explanation of what the assignment was.

Name: Elaan Zaleschuk
City: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Sent: 17/11 12:42 AM

Greetings! I have perused your website and I love the work you do with your students. I have been asked to teach a class of 31, ninth grade Creative Art students. Probably 60% of them chose Art because they did not want to take a second language. Honestly, those 60% did not want Art either, so at times, my art class is a "gong show" of pathetic behaviours and lacklustre effort at best. Your samples looked awesome and I am hoping I can use some of them to produce similar awesome results. Perhaps they will find them as interesting visually as I did. Care to swing "up" to Canada to teach my class?! Can I email you back with some of my students completed work?

City: PJ village
Sent: 15/
11 03:50 PM

Why sign it? Because I can! And finally, a class site that doesn't spawn 10 popups per click! *claps slowly* And I really can't wait 'till I can see something I make get on this site.

Name: K. DeWeese
City: Denver, CO
Sent: 06/11 09:36 PM

As an elementary art teacher I came across your site and was very impressed with the quality of student work. Your lessons are well thought out and looks as though they bring out the best in your students. Congratulations!

Name: Taylor Smith
City: east setauket
Sent: 03/
11 06:31 PM

i really like everthing on this website!!!!!!!!! !hi Mr.sacco!

Name: Bonnie Stanchiu
City: Chicago, IL
Sent: 01/11 06:01 PM

Your students' Op Art designs are the best that I have seen on the Internet. This is a lesson that I love to teach but my students have not done as well as yours. Would you mind telling me what medium your students used. Thanks.


Name: Ann Russo
City: Marietta, Ga.
Sent: 10/
10 01:00 PM

I stumbled upon your page while looking for some new ideas. What wonderful art you get from your students! It is truly beautiful and so well done. Their shading and detail is wonderful. I can't get my students to be so detailed. What is your class size? Is art an elective or part of their rotation? I hope to use some of your ideas in my new classes for the next nine weeks.

Name: John St. Pierre
City: Hauppauge
Sent: 05/
10 10:56 AM

Great job on the site.

Name: Lyn Twitchell
City: South Lake Tahoe, CA
Sent: 26/08 01:35 PM

Thanks for the inspiration - Mr. Sacco, your projects were especially inspirational!

Name: Karel McMellon
City: Cheshire, CT
Sent: 07/
05 02:25 PM

Originally I was referred to this site to view the Notan, curiosity led me to view the other artwork as well. Glad I took the time to look. The students work is amazing, which leads me to believe that the instructors must be phenomenal. Comments: This is really great stuff. These students should be very proud of themselves. And bravo to the teacher as well. I stand inspired!

Name: MaryAnn
City: Bellingham, WA
Sent: 24/02 05:32 AM

You can feel the students' personalities bursting from their art. I thoroughly enjoyed your website. Thank you.

Name: elissa oken
raleigh nc
Sent: 09/
02 04:44 PM

I happened upon your site while surfing for project ideas. I was very impressed by your website. As an elementary art teacher, I am always looking for challenging new lessons I can adapt to my younger students. The color examples were a real treasure trove - Thanks!

Name: Brandyn Brady
City: Stony Brook Ny
Sent: 05/02 03:10 PM

Wonderful work everyone highly beyond my standards. Thanks Ms.Connors for helping me when i needed help....sorry i am not good at art but i tried.... sorry about the theme project Thnax-Brady

Name: Rachel
City: Houston, TX
Sent: 31/01 09:49 AM

Hi everyone! Great job!!! Being a college student, taking tons of art classes, I am always trying to reference others techniques to improve my own- I have shared this site with my entire Art class- we were all AMAZED and IMPRESSED! Gave us 'slackers' the motivation to improve our work. Best wishes and Best of luck!

Name: Rachael Botica
City: Auckland , New Zealand
Sent: 28/01 12:44 PM

Hi, I am an Art teacher in New Zealand, just wanted to let you know how impressed and inspired I am with your work. Cant wait to share it with my kids, and hopefully create some awesome stuff ourselves. Thanks.

Name: Ahbra Peach
City: Santa Rosa
Sent: 27/
01 07:11 PM

Thank You, so beautiful, inspiring and helpful to me as a new middle school art teacher. This website has raised the bar for me and the materials are all simple and doable. Nice work and Thank You...


Name: Ms. Grace
Sent: 27/
01 01:42 AM

Hi guys, you are doing a great job here at Gelinas. Keep up the good work. Art forever!!!!! Ms. Grace Global History and Geography 9

Name: Carol Napolitano
Sent: 26/01 06:45 AM

What a pleasure to not only view the students' wonderful works of art on our website but also to see them in action in their classes! Carol B. Napolitano Assistant Principal Gelinas Junior High Setauket, NY

Name: Denise Minelli
City: setauket
Sent: 26/
01 04:23 AM

What a fabulous web site and what spectacular students work! Congratulations to everyone!

Name: GHueber
Sent: 26/01 04:08 AM

Great job! The projects are spectacular! Congratulations students and staff on all that you create.

Name: Michael DeRosa
Sent: 25/01 04:04 PM

Gelinas Art Department, on showcasing some wonderful work. You have done a great job bringing out the creativity of our students. It allows us to see a side of them that we might not otherwise get to see. Great Job!

Name: Paul Donat
Sent: 14/01 04:46 AM

thank you mr.sacco for letting me come into your room during my lunch and spending sum quality time with you.. i really have appreciated it alot... thanks again

Jessica M.
City: Waterloo, Ontario CANADA
Sent: 31/
12 01:23 PM

I am a grade 7 teacher...I must admit I have used quite a few of your ideas..."surreal rooms" and recently the clothes hanger sculptures. Your students demonstrate incredible talent and I'm sure they enjoyed the art projects as much as my own students. Praises go out to the faculty and students at your school! My students always are WOWED when I share their work from the webpage. Keep it up!

Name: Samantha
Sent: 08/12 09:44 AM

This website is great i loved looking at it and going to look at more on here didn't look at it yet but going to now!!!!

Name: tania lynas
City: Belfast
Sent: 27/11 07:51 AM

What a massive difference since I went to school. I am probably older than some of the teachers in your school! This site is amazing, I will be showing it to some little friends of mine who love art. How did you mould those beautiful hand sculptures? I hope other schools take some inspiration from the beautiful, fantastic work you have all demonstrated.

Name: alice blair
Sent: 26/11 01:50 PM

Great site! Student artwork shows surprising thoughtfulness. Any tips for motivating students to achieve quality in their work?


Name: Jackie Hayward
City: stonybrook
Sent: 17/
11 02:21 PM

it was great art

Name: Jen
City: Setauket
Sent: 15/11 07:12 AM

it was a great site and i mostly loved the surreal

Name: L. Williams
Suffolk, VA
Sent: 27/10 03:49 AM

I thoroughly enjoyed your site! It's exciting to see different projects from other areas. I've used some of the same projects, it's interesting to see the same concepts executed differently.

Name: Cathy McKervey
City: Clarksville, IN
Sent: 24/
08 02:32 PM

Great job! I am impressed with the way the teachers motivated students!!! The students' artwork is AWESOME!

Name: Roxy
Sent: 24/
07 02:15 PM

Mr. Sacco...your my cousin you forced me to look at this website and i sadly have to admit it's pretty kool! love ya...your super kool cousin...ROXY

Arthur Flemming
City: Chicago
Sent: 30/04 12:24 AM

What outstanding artwork from your students! I cannot beleive what talented children you teach at your school. Keep up the good work!

Name: Z Fuhrer
Sent: 28/04 12:33 PM

You guys are awesome! Connors I'll try to stop stealing your Jolly Ranchers.

Name: susan tango
Sent: 25/
04 11:45 AM

What a great idea; sharing wonderful artwork this way! I loved seeing the work I may not have seen otherwise.

Name: irene
City: Westbury
Sent: 22/
04 05:10 AM

All the work is absolutely incredible. It's so great to see so much talent. Keep it up.

Name: Brenda Lambeth
City: Hutto
Sent: 16/
04 06:39 AM

Wow! I love the noton work. They were very interesting. I also enjoyed the paper mache' lizards.