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Batik T-shirt Design

darawearingteeMr. Sacco's 9th grade Studio Art class created Batik T-shirt
designs inspired by African textile designers of Adire and
Bogolan Mud Cloth.

Focusing on line, shape and space, students were asked to create an interesting pattern for their T-shirt design. Once
a design was created, students transferred their design to
the T-shirts and painted the designs using hot wax.

The next step was to dye the T-shirt in their choice of color.
The painted wax design resists the dye enabling the lines & shapes to be seen. The final step was to iron out the wax
from the design.

*Adapted from a lesson that appeared in Scholastic Art Magazine.

Paul B.                                                  Jen J.

Erica M.                                                 Dara K.